Scrabble Word Finder
Scrabble Word Finder is a friendly tool designed to support your growing skills as a Scrabble player. The goal of this tool is to help you cheat/win in a Scrabble® word game.
Here, you may search for any valid Scrabble word made with whichever set of letters you have on your rack. If you are feeling hopeless and stuck, all you have to do is type in your letters on the search bar and let this word finder provide you with a list of terms that may lead to victory.
Scrabble Word Finder only retrieves dictionary-approved terms, which means you can even find obscure words to play and rejoice whenever your opponent decides to challenge you. This is why this word unscramble can be used as a Scrabble cheat and a tool to win at Scrabble.
You may also use it as an educational tool to increase your vocabulary and prepare for your next word game. Take the opportunity to learn difficult words made of rare combinations of letters and avoid feeling stuck all together in a Scrabble game.
For instance, can you come up with words with a Q not followed by a U right off the top of your head? It is not easy, because not many exist. This is why many players become restless when they see a lonely Q in their rack. If you are curious about it, here are five 5 examples of these words: tranq, qwerty, faqir, qi, qaid.
How to use this Scrabble Word Finder
Type your query in the search bar
You may unscramble words with up to 15 letters using the search bar. You can either enter a valid word to unscramble or just type any jumble of letters. Try this Scrabble cheat to discover new terms that you can use during the game, or to unlock all the possibilities of the letters in your rack and always win at Scrabble.
Search for words that start with a specific letter
If you already have a beginning of a word in mind, you can access a list of terms starting with it and look for the different endings it has available.
The list is presented in alphabetical order to make it easier for you to sift through it and find what you are looking for.
Search for words that end with a specific letter
Using the letter S as an ending is a common strategy that can help you make a new word easily while changing one of your opponent’s too to gather more points.
However, this is not the only ending letter that can be of advantage. With this Scrabble cheat, you can learn more words with a certain termination and increase your score during the game by applying the same strategy as with an S in a more creative way.
Search by word length
If you are up to some study, learning new words by length is a great strategy to memorize them. Smaller ones in particular, with only 2 letters, are often disdained for their lower score, but if used wisely they can add up to 50 points during a Scrabble game.
Increase your vocabulary and knowledge
Scrabble Word Finder lets you go beyond the simple memorization of terms that can be played during this game. This Scrabble cheat also provides you with several useful pieces of information about each word so that you can increase your vocabulary and language knowledge.
Just click over any listed word and you will find not only their different definitions but also semantically related terms, words with similar spellings, and rhyming words.
Find out what others are looking for
Be one step ahead of your opponents by discovering what Scrabble players from all over the world are unscrambling with this tool. Just check out our suggestions list or our top 20 trending words of the day.
An introduction to Scrabble
Scrabble is a game of words and strategy designed for 2 up to 4 players. The goal is to create words on the board and collect their points.
The words are laid down on the board crossword-style. This means that players must make words combining the letters on their racks with those already on the board. They can add letters to an existing word to change it or create a new one using one or more letters already displayed.
Each word is worth the sum of the value of the letters it contains. The player with the highest score wins the game.
How to play Scrabble
Scrabble uses 98 letter tiles and 2 white ones that can replace any letter on a word. Each player starts with 7 tiles on their rack. After each turn, they must draw from a bag the same number of letters played.
All words on the board must be connected by at least one letter, creating a crossword-style design.
Scrabble only accepts words present in any standard dictionary. The players can challenge each other whenever they believe there is a misspelling on the board, or someone is trying to play an inexistent word. If the challenge is valid, the player who was in the wrong loses their turn.
The game ends when a player clears their rack and there are no more tiles to be drawn from the bag. This player will then collect all the points still present in the opponents’ racks. Additionally, the players who still have tiles remaining get their points deducted from their total score.
Scoring system
All letters/tiles have different values associated with them. Their value is related to their frequency in the English Language. For instance, the letter A is worth only 1 point while the letter Q is worth 10.
The board also features special squares that boost the score of a letter or a word covering them. These squares have different colors and denominations according to their “effect”: DW and TW stand for Double/Triple Word, while DL and TL stand for Double/Triple Letter.
These special squares are arranged in such a way that a word cannot cover both a DW/TW square and a DL/TL square at the same time.
Scrabble Letters Values
Each letter is worth different points according to its frequency in the English language. The harder it is to use it and to find a word containing it, the higher its value.
A = 1 point | H = 4 points | O = 1 point | V = 4 points |
B = 3 points | I = 1 point | P = 3 points | W = 4 points |
C = 3 points | J = 8 points | Q = 10 points | X = 8 points |
D = 2 points | K = 5 points | R = 1 point | Y = 4 points |
E = 1 point | L = 1 point | S = 1 point | Z = 10 points |
F = 4 points | M = 3 points | T = 1 point | |
G = 2 points | N = 1 point | U = 1 point |
Scrabble Letters: number of tiles
Scrabble uses 98 letter tiles, but these are not distributed equally. The more frequent the letter is, the more tiles with it the players will have.
The letter ‘S’ is a special case. Although it is very common, there are only 4 tiles with it available. The goal of the game makers was to reduce the chance of players using it to create easy plurals and keep blocking the opportunity to expand an already existing word.
A - 9 tiles | H - 2 tiles | O - 8 tiles | V - 2 tiles |
B - 2 tiles | I - 9 tiles | P - 2 tiles | W - 2 tiles |
C - 2 tiles | J - 1 tile | Q - 1 tile | X - 1 tile |
D - 4 tiles | K - 1 tile | R - 6 tiles | Y - 2 tiles |
E - 12 tiles | L - 4 tiles | S - 4 tiles | Z - 1 tile |
F - 2 tiles | M - 2 tiles | T - 6 tiles | |
G - 3 tiles | N - 6 tiles | U - 4 tiles |
How to Cheat at Scrabble
Scrabble is a classic board game that has been around since the end of the 1940s. That is already over 70 years of existence, and of being a common presence in households all over the world. All that to say that you are not the first nor will you be the last looking for ways to cheat at Scrabble.
Countless people have already stressed over the letters on their racks, trying their hardest to form words with them, questioning their own knowledge, and reprimanding themselves for not reading more books.
The truth is, cheating in the traditional board game is not easy. The players tend to eye each other with suspicion, looking for something out of the ordinary. Scrabble is a friendly family game, but a competition is a competition after all.
While playing the physical game the best strategy to cheat is to prepare beforehand by saving a selection of letters in your pocket and hoping no one will count the number of tiles on the pouch. Then you just need to smartly put them on your rack during the game and throw the discarded ones in the pouch whenever you are fetching tiles.
However, in today’s day and age, the best way to cheat at Scrabble is undoubtedly by checking a Scrabble Word Finder. Just enter the letters you want in the search bar, click on Unscramble, and voilà! You get immediate access to a list of all Scrabble valid words that can be created with those specific letters. Then, all you have to do is to find the most suitable one to either score more points or block your opponent and play it!
If you are playing Scrabble online, on your phone or computer, you probably are by yourself and do not need to worry about being seen checking the Scrabble Cheat. With the classic board game, it can be a bit more complicated, but social media is now a great excuse to have your phone at hand.
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- Surely
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- Price
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- Command
- Street
- Forget
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Trending Anagrams
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- raccoon
- tailor
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- drowsy
- bandage
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- package
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