Words Without These Letters
Words without these letters
There can be many reasons why someone would look for words without one or more specific letters. For example, games like Wordle or Hangman work through a process of excluding letters and restricting the number of word possibilities until the players find the right one. Only saying words without a specific letter is also a popular classic game both in school and in bars while drinking with friends.
Regardless of the reason why you would be searching for words without specific letters, we offer you a simple, straightforward, easy-to-use and free tool that we are sure will help you satisfy your curiosity.
How to use this search tool
Words without these Letters is a search tool very simple and intuitive to use. All you have to do is to fill in the fields with your criteria and press “Search Words” or Enter on your keyboard.
In the “Excludes Letters” field you should type in the letters that you do not want the words to contain. For example, in the case of a Wordle game, you would type in all the letters that are shaded gray on the puzzle.
The “Word Length” field has a drop-down menu that lets you pick the number of letters you want your word to have. The “First Letter” and “Last Letter” fields also feature drop-down menus that let you choose with which letters should your words start or end.
All search fields are optional, but you need to fill in at least one of them for the tool to retrieve any results.
For convenience, you can also find on this page direct links to thorough lists of words with any given length that do not contain one letter of the alphabet at a time. For example, “words without the letter a”, “words without the letter b”, “words without the letter c”, and so forth.