abound, accept, account, act, actuality, adhere, adorn, aerobe, agree, aliveness, amount, amphidiploid, anaerobe, animal, animalcule, animalculum, animation, answer, appear, atavist, attend, bake, balance, be, beast, beat, beautify, bedevil, befuddle, begin, belong, benthos, body, boil, breathe, broil, brute, buy, buzz, carrier, check, clean, clon, clone, coexist, coexistence, cohere, come, commensal, compact, compare, compose, comprise, confound, confuse, congenator, congener, congeneric, connect, consist, conspecific, constitute, contain, continue, correspond, coruscate, cost, count, cover, cox, creature, cross, crossbreed, curve, cut, deck, decorate, define, delimit, delimitate, delineate, denizen, depend, deserve, diploid, disaccord, disagree, discombobulate, discord, distribute, diverge, draw, drown, dwarf, dwell, embellish, embody, encounter, end, endanger, enter, equate, eternity, eucaryote, eukaryote, exemplify, extend, face, fall, fauna, feel, figure, fill, fit, flora, flow, follow, footle, form, fox, fuddle, fungus, gape, gibe, go, grace, gravitate, hail, hang, haploid, head, heteroploid, heterotroph, hold, hoodoo, host, hum, hurt, hybrid, impend, imperil, incarnate, incline, individual, indwell, inhabit, interrelate, iridesce, jeopardise, jeopardize, jibe, jumble, katharobe, kill, lallygag, lead, lean, lend, lie, life, linger, litter, live, living, loaf, loiter, lollygag, look, lounge, lubricate, lurk, make, mascot, match, matter, measure, menace, merit, microorganism, mingle, mope, mortal, mutant, mutation, myrmecophile, native, need, nekton, number, object, obtain, occupy, osculate, owe, pack, parasite, parent, pass, pay, peril, person, personify, plankton, plant, point, polymorph, polyploid, populate, pose, possibility, possibleness, postdiluvian, preexist, preexistence, presence, present, press, prevail, procaryote, prokaryote, promise, prove, rage, range, rank, rate, reach, recognize, recombinant, relate, relative, relict, remain, represent, require, rest, retard, run, rut, saprobe, saprophyte, scintillate, seem, seethe, sell, shine, sit, sitter, somebody, someone, soul, sparkle, specify, sport, squat, stagnate, stand, stander, start, stay, stick, stink, straddle, stretch, subsistence, substantiate, subtend, suck, suffer, suit, supplement, swim, swing, take, tally, tarry, tend, terminate, test, threaten, throw, throwback, timelessness, total, touch, transcendence, transcendency, translate, transplant, trim, twist, underlie, utterer, variation, vet, vocaliser, vocalizer, want, wash, weigh, wind, work, yaw, yawn, zooid.
freeing, peeing, seeing, sightseeing, skiing, wellbeing.
sabeing, beignes, biogens, bingoes, bingers, bigness, besting.
Your query has returned 61 words, which include anagrams of beings as well as other shorter words that can be made using the letters included in beings.
The words in this list can be used in games such as Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordscapes and other similar games.